Max K. Leong

Associate Professor Cheminformatics/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Phone: 03-8633609 (O) 03-8633610 (Lab)

Fax: 03-863-3570 (Department office) 

Room:  D420 science building. 

Home Page   

E-mail: leong at 

office hour: 10:00-12:00, Wednesday

National Dong Hwa University, Shou-Feng, Hualien, 974,  Taiwan


  • Education

Ph, D., Chemical Physics, University of Texas

  • Experience

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, National Dong Hwa University

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, National Dong Hwa University

Principal Investigator, TaiGen Biotechnology, Taiwan

Assistant Principal Investigator, Division of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan

Research Associate, College of Pharmacy, University of Texas

  • Research Interests

Cheminformatics, Molecular Modeling, Computer-Aided Drug Design/Computer-Aided Molecule Design, Machine Learning Applications

My group is currently studying ADME/Tox in silico and drug discovery, focusing on cancer and infectious diseases.  Highly motivated people, well trained in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutics and/or physics, are welcome to join us.

  • Selected Publications


    1. Max K. Leong*, 2007/2: “A Novel Approach Using Pharmacophore Ensemble/Support Vector Machine (PhE/SVM) for Prediction of hERG Liability,”Chem. Res. Toxicol.,20 (2), 217-226. (SCI)
    2. Max K. Leong, Chinpiao Chen, Ker-Chang Shar, and David Shiuan*, 2007/9: “Selection and characterization of lipase abzyme from phage displayed antibody libraries,”Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 361 (3), 567-573. (SCI)
    3. S. J. Hsu, K. M. Hsu, Max K. Leong and Ivan J. B. Lin*, 2008/4: “Au(I)-benzimidazole/imidazole complexes. Liquid crystals and nanomaterials,” Dalton Trans., No. 14, 1924-1931. (SCI)
    4. Max K. Leong* and Tzu-Hsien Chen, 2008/7: “Prediction of Cytochrome P450 2B6-Substrate Interactions Using Pharmacophore Ensemble/Support Vector Machine (PhE/SVM) Approach,” Med. Chem., 4(4), 396-406.

    5. Max K. Leong*, Yen-Ming Chen, Hong-Bin Chen, and Po-Hong Chen, 2009/4: “Development of a New Predictive Model for Interactions with Human Cytochrome P450 2A6 Using Pharmacophore Ensemble/Support Vector Machine (PhE/SVM) Approach,” Pharm. Res., 26(4), 987-1000. (SCI)

    6. Max K. Leong*, Yen-Ming Chen, and Tzu-Hsien Chen, 2009: “Prediction of Human Cytochrome P450 2B6-Substrate Interactions Using Hierarchical Support Vector Regression Approach,” J. Comput. Chem., Published on the web on Dec. 29, 2008, DOI: 10.1002/jcc.21190. (SCI)